Taking Ownership of Your Health


The poem I’m sharing today, PREVENTION, is about my experience with taking ownership of my health and life, as opposed to feeling like a victim to its circumstances. I hope you enjoy. PREVENTION // I wish I could face disease I wish I could feel motivated to step up now Practice self-care I want to […]

Why I Choose to Practice ‘Letting Go’

Whether welcome or not, we are all going to experience less than optimal life experiences that are out of our control, like the sickness or death of a loved one, the ending of a deep romance, or the loss of a job.  When things happen in our lives that are out of our immediate control, it’s […]

5 Healthy Hacks to Conquer Holiday Hangovers

This article was published in the Huffington Post. You can read it here, or continue reading below. ~ Whether or not you’re a health nut, it’s challenging to stay on your game over the holidays, especially if you’re doing family dinners and party hopping. The influx of toxins from food and alcohol make it tough […]

Why I Choose to be a Coach

health and wellness coach Dr. Rhea

It’s not every day you meet someone at a party or event and they tell you they’re an Optimal Living Coach. So, why did I choose this label and path? As a life-long learner and seeker of good health, I’ve made my rounds, searching for the best in health care and disease prevention. In the […]